RESOURCE LIST FOR THOSE OPPOSED TO 1080 POISON CAROL SAWYER·SUNDAY, AUGUST 20, 2017 Here's a list of anti-1080 Facebook groups, websites, and films /youtube videos ( direct links), songs, books, etc.
Those anti-1080 Facebook groups with more than 1,000 members have four asterisks beside their names.
Check this video about the future of NZ lands
1080 Science
ABC’s of 1080 ****
America Against 1080 - Stop the Poison Drops in New Zealand ****
ANTI 1080
Anti 1080 Action Ruapehu ****
Anti-1080 Activists
At Peace With Nature
Beyond 1080 Golden Bay
Beyond 1080 Orongorongo Valley, Wainuiomata
Ban 1080 Party ****
Ban 1080 Proactive
Ban 1080 South Island ****
Ban 1080 Taranaki
Central Otago AGAINST 1080 Poison
Compassionate Nature ****
Conservation Without Chemicals
Done and Dusted By 1080 Poison
Dunedin Against 1080
East Otago Residents opposing high risk application of ecotoxic 1080 poison
in NZ well they say that cause of the salaries etc they are on. Funny how they knew nothing about birdlife when asked for being a referee for a Habitat Grant on land near Palmerston North???
Ban 1080 Party ( De-registered at present, as it is a financial burden to be registered between elections.
This means the Party can stand candidates but not contest the Party vote. It may, however, re-register
Also remember that Predator Free 2050 are involved in BFOB, and they have this 'terrific' new method where they drop 4 kgs of 1080 baits per ha, not the usual 2 kgs and, if every last rat, stoat, possum isn't gone, then in three months they drop another 4 kgs per ha.
If we assume some of these drops are 4 kgs per ha, or even 8 kgs per ha, we can safely assume around 4 tonnes (1) of PURE 1080 poison will be dropped, contained in the cereal baits. ( Each bait contains 0.15% pure 1080 poison ). This is enough 1080 to kill over 60 million people and make another 60 million people very, very ill ! Or, to put it another way, the Nazi Holocaust of World War 2 killed an estimated 17 million people. This amount of poison has the capability of killing almost 4 times that number.
Note : The LD50 ( Lethal Dose 50% ) for humans, as declared by our state-owned 1080 bait factory in Whanganui, is 0.7 to 2 mgs per kg bodyweight .
To all Tourists visiting NZ. Please send us any pictures and info
if you come across animals and birdlife you find are being poisoned.
We also welcome your emails in the name of saving our native species.
REMEMBER ALL TOURISTS: rain run off carries the
1080 into our streams & rivers
2019 Tull Chemical Company, Oxford, Alabama, USA is still open for business it seems. The address is listed as 130 Burton St. The sign on the fence says 327 Burton St.
The other lie
New Zealand 100% Pure NOT QUITE ANYMORE. These guys the Graf Bros are fighting for NZ and we need to joing them. Check Carol Sawyer on facebook under Ban 1080. We are so lucky to have them and all the other like minded people fighting for our environment.DOC and AHB have never publicly acknowledged the damage they did up here, in their two 1080 drops.They will off record acknowledge that the 1998 drop was responsible for the total annihilation of the Kea population on Mount Patriarch, Marlborough.
Doc, AHB, and reg councils are in it for the money
as are the helicopter firms in NZ.
Above Map by well known NZ cartoonist - Al Nesbit
April 20th 2019 from FB No to 1080 use
“The pesticide industry claims that high urine levels are a positive thing because the body is successfully excreting the chemical. However, this notion is contradicted by research led by Dr Monika Kruger in Germany. Dr Kruger found that glyphosate levels in a range of organs in dairy cows was very similar to that in urine. This suggests that glyphosate can accumulate in the body. In addition, chronically ill people had higher glyphosate residue levels in their urine than healthy humans, suggesting that high glyphosate excretion levels are not a healthy sign.”
New Zealand’s Dept of Conservation and other Government agencies like the Ministry of Health make the same claim about 1080 poison - that it is quickly ‘excreted’ in urine, so doesn’t cause any harm. However, none of these agencies undertake any surveillance or health monitoring of staff or contractors involved in handling 1080 poison, even though it has been shown in the past that some staff have been subjected to the potential impact from 1080 poisoning when it was found in their urine.
Is it likely that similar experiments to this European one on Glyphosate, using sub lethal doses of 1080 poison, over a prolonged time, would uncover the same links between exposure and chronic illnesses?
Maybe one day the true extent of the impact on public health from aerial 1080 poison operations will be known. But those studies won’t come from European scientists because of course, 1080 poison is already banned there, due to the known risks...
When Dr Fiona McQueen published her book “The Quiet Forest”, she framed it around 10 questions she focused on researching thoroughly, through her experience as an academic and a highly qualified healthcare practitioner.
Today, let’s look at one of those questions:
"Q: What happens to birds long-term after 1080 poison drops?
Answer: There are very few long-term population studies and those that exist have major design flaws.
Nonetheless, there is NO evidence that aerial 1080 is beneficial for native bird populations (although [some] short-term studies do show improved fledgling success due to knock-down of rats). A few studies suggest that bird populations may plummet after 1-2 years. Reproductive toxicity has been proven in mammals but has NOT been studied in birds. [editor’s note: some birds may now be less fertile or even completely infertile because they have ingested sub-lethal doses of 1080 poison]."
So, what is happening to our native birds? After 64 years of aerial 1080 poison operations, there is still NO evidence that 1080 is beneficial, and there may well be evidence –yet to be revealed – that 1080 is seriously damaging our bird populations. After all, we already know that many birds, such as Kea and Kiwi are often found dead after poison drops but that any valid testing or autopsies of these birds are simply NOT carried out by the Dept of Conservation (presumably because the authorities know exactly what these tests would reveal to the public).
The Quiet Forest: the case against aerial 1080 is available from your local library, or to buy here:
destroying our wildlife--join us to stop this poison from killing NZ "
Please note the writeups belong to those of their writers & promoters & all photos belong to the respective websites & owners. We publish on this website to make those aware of wildlife and birdlife species slowly being depleted & are a non profit org. Make the world know that wildlife deserves its place & we acknowledge those who are helping the world be a better place