IN LEVIN. We will buy as far as Wellington or as North as Fielding, Palmerston North. Wanted any macrocarpa trees.

& MAC.
If you have macrocarpa trees you dont want then email
us and we will take them away for you or mill timbers for you

Fir slabs for sale please ask us

If you want to be on our list later just email us and we will let you know. Please specify size of your wood burner as most of our wood is 12-15" long but we may have smaller sizes. Just ask us??
Water does not penetrate Mac OR gum unlike Pine so once ringed and split is fine. Please note Mac does spit so only ideal for enclosed wood fires & is sometimes hard to start so best to use once your fire is up an burning. Our trees have been down well over 2 years. SOLD all millable Mac logs
More mac slabs now available
ideal for chip fires
Fir slabs please ask us. We are in Levin
and welcome all inquiries & pensioners
who want small loads
Eucalyptus Gum 1cbm delivery in Levin

We have our own stand pf pine tress and macrocarpas as well as Eucalyptus trees. Based in Levin for Levin folk.

You can preorder from us and we will have your winter firewood stocks ready in advance.
We sell Firewood: Trust our Trust for your supplies.
Macrocarpa logs for firewood -sold. Please note if you have Macrocarpa & wish to sell please contact us. We have buyers in Taranaki, Horowhenua, Wairarapa. We are looking for woodlots over 200tonne anywhere in NZ. If youre a mill database your business with us as we can supply

Our macs above from our West Coast region block. 3000acres of Native, Pine and Macs.
100 year old Macs all sold on order

Millable macrocarpa logs above.

Wellington firewood. Bring you trailer and we will sell you a load. You cut!!
Trust our Trust for your firewood supplies

Our logs for export. The rest is firewood and milling more in late 2023 .
Just email us

[ Fir Slabs-Table tops for sale in Levin ] [ Gum Firewood in Levin ] [ Kiwi Firewood in Levin ] [ Installing a wood burner ]
" 2024 will be an even colder winter with all the problems in the world so stock
up using our wood at cheaper than ever prices & be like me & keep warm for winter"!
You won't regret it